The New Poetic Activism_Exhibition_Activists_Curator_ADI_AdiDesignMuseum_esposizione

The New Poetic Activism

Italian design in search of inevitable objects

The exhibition project is an invitation to a group of Italian designers to design an inevitable object with a strong poetic connotation. The group is made up of Andrea Anastasio, Federica Biasi, Francesco Binfaré, Andrea Branzi, Maddalena Casadei, Lorenzo Damiani, Michele De Lucchi, Formafantasma, Francesco Faccin, Marta Laudani, Giovanni Levanti, Francesco Librizzi, Raffaella Mangiarotti, Francesco Meda, Elena Salmistraro, Valerio Sommella, Paolo Ulian.


          Curating the exhibition
Since the middle of the last century, design in our country has positioned itself not only as a profession at the service of the production system, but as a critical voice towards industry. The exhibition asks whether that all-Italian attitude of seeking unexplored design territories, independently of the world of production, is still relevant. The exhibition originates from a very simple question: is it possible to design an object and then build a house around it?
          Designing the exhibition
The exhibition layout is made up of suspended panels that create small spaces of contemplation for each object, illuminated from behind so as to recall very delicate architectural partitions. Each panel also carries the caption of the individual object. The objects are placed on the floor and surrounded by a semicircular LED strip covered with dry leaves.
          Designing the catalog
The 200-page catalog collects the designers’ projects, preceded by an essay by the curator on the themes that define the relationship between design and poetry. The catalog is entirely illustrated with black and white cloud drawings.


The exhibition was produced by ADI, Association of Italian Designers
Catalog edited by ADI
Photos by Michele Nastasi
Technical partners for the installation: Imbal Carton, Qu–lighting


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